Image:Canada and the First World War|
adapted from LAC CC images
In time for the 100th anniversary of World War One (1914-1918), millions of images from historical newspapers are being digitized to share online. The newspapers hail from hundreds of communities across Saskatchewan, Canada.
Answering a need from communities to have access to archival newspapers, Saskhistoryonline.ca has embarked on a project to digitize historical newspapers starting with the war years. The project was announced via a CBC Radio interview, on May 26, 2014.
For further information follow Sask History on twitter or on facebook. Saskatchewan History Online also uses the social networking of history Pin where you can discover more of the images the project has assembled together about the rich and diverse history of the province. Learn about Saskatchewan history online which is supported by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education and the University of Saskatchewan University Library. Galleries, libraries, archives, and museums are assisted in digitizing their collections by the Saskatchewan History Online technical infrastructure which are then documented on the What's new pages of the website.
Saskatchewan History Online is a dynamic, and committed organisation dedicated to preserving the heritage left by the many early residents in the province of Saskatchewan. Each and every image left an imprint on the community which preserved the heritage in galleries, libraries, archives, and museums. Current residents are truly indebted to Saskatchewan History Online which has now initiated many projects who document the courage of our ancestral forefathers. By the digitization process and easy access to these records it is hoped that future generations will indeed appreciate the many efforts made by their predecessors.
Canada was committed to the war effort on August 4, 1914. Within two months, the Canadian Expeditionary Force had recruited 33,000 who departed for service overseas on October 3. The digitized collection will not be up and running by August of 2014, but organizers are hoping to have the website available for November 11, 2014, Remembrance Day.
The Saskatchewan Virtual War Memorial lists 6,438 who gave the ultimate sacrifice during World War I. The Roll of Honour lists the World War I casualties by name on the SVWM. During the Great War, the Historical Atlas of Canada> tallies 59,544 casualties from the Canadian army alone. Enlistees for the Canadian Expeditionary Force from Saskatchewan made up 10.8% of the Canadian war casualties.
The 1922-1923 Canada Year Book records that there were 757,510 persons residing in Saskatchewan, and 8,788,483 in Canada during the census year, 1921. This is in contrast to the 1911 census year which reports 492,432 persons in Saskatchewan, and 7,206,643 residents of Canada. Saskatchewan residents provided 6.8% of the Canadian population in 1911 and 8.6% in 1921.
As a great tribute to preserving the information from archival newspapers, the digitization process brings history to life. These newspapers reveal information about the war era, however head lines did not exclusively focus on the Great War. Local news, occasions and events also made headlines during these years.
Chronicling the war years through Saskatchewan historic newspapers will be a treasure trove of data, and a true preservation repository which honours the commitment of Saskatchewan residents during the Great War. The finished web pages will indeed showcase the culture, opinions, hopes and fears of the fledgling province, as told by her gallant reporters.
"Along came nineteen fourteen and our nation then appealed
For men to fight on Vimy Ridge and go to Flander's Field.
They were gunners, fought in horse brigades, and in the infantry
they served their country well and they brought back the victory.
Joan Keeler"
Author Julia Adamson
For More Information:
1922-1923 Canada Year Book Statistics Canada. 2009-06-09. Date accessed May 26, 2014.
Adamson, Julia Saskatchewan Gen Web - Military Resources. Date Accessed May 26, 2014.
Adamson, Julia. Saskatchewan Gen Web Newspaper Magazine Resources Date accessed May 26, 2014.
Barry, Bill. Saskatchewan Virtual War Memorial Date accessed May 26, 2014.
Canada and the First World War Library and Archives on Flickr. Date accessed May 26, 2014.
CBC Radio CBC May 26, 2014. 2014 Date accessed May 26, 2014.
Celebrate Saskatchewan 1980 Committee Vanscoy and District History. They plowed the way and we followed. Friesen Printers. Altona, MB. Vanscoy, Saskatchewan. Page vii.
Family Search Digital Historical Newspapers
Google News Archive - Search hundreds of newspapers -
including the following Saskatchewan Newspapers:
- The Saskatoon Phoenix 2,655 issues Oct 17, 1902 to Sept 29,1928
- Saskatoon Star-Phoenix 11,048 issues Jul 4, 1851 - May 31, 1967
- The Regina Leader 153 issues Oct 18, 1887 - Sep 30, 1890
- The Regina Standard 47 issues Oct 4, 1905 - Sep 5, 1906
- Prince Albert Times 184 issues Nov 1, 1882 - Feb 10, 1888
- Qu'Appelle Progress 767 issues Nov 27, 1885 - Dec 27, 1990
- Qu'Appelle Vidette 499 issues Oct 23, 1884 - Oct 18, 1894
- Yorkton This Week & Enterprise 26 issues Oct 4,1995 - Dec 30, 1995
- The Centinel of the North-Western Territory 100 issues Nov 9, 1793 - May 14, 1796
Heritage.Canadiana.ca Canadiana. Canadian Research Knowledge Network. Library and Archives Canada.
Kerr, D.G.G., editor. Historical Atlas of Canada. Canadian Historical Associations Committee on a Historical Atlas of Canada. 1960. Thomas Nelson and Sons (Canada) ltd. Library of Congress catalog card number 60-9189.
Le patriote de l'Ouest, Duck Lake, Saskatchewan 1910-1941 Newspaper online by Peel's Prairie Provinces. University of Alberta
Library and Archives Canada images on Flickr. Set of images: Canada and the First World War.
Moose Jaw Herald Times 1890-1899 Newspaper Online at Peel's Prairie Provinces. University of Alberta
Prince Albert Times 1882-1912 Newspaper Online at Peel's Prairie Provinces. University of Alberta
Saskatchewan Genealogy Web : Sask Gen Web E-Magazine
Wikipedia List of Online Newspaper Archives

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