![]() Strength by Gentleness by Julia Adamson |
Moose Jaw Normal School ~ Endless Echoes. BIBLIOGRAPHY
________________________________________________________________________________________ Moose Jaw Normal School ~ Endless Echoes. Link to Main Article
Bibliography: 149 Less Students At Normal Schools. Saskatoon Star-Phoenix. October 6, 1951. Page 3. Google News Archive. Date accessed June 3, 2013. 215 Teachers graduate at Moose Jaw College. The Leader-Post. June 18, 1954. Page 2. Google News Archives. Date accessed June 3, 2013. Adamson, Julia. From potential to realty ~ The Regina Normal School. With additional notes regarding the Regina College. University of Saskatchewan ~ Regina campus. University of Regina. May 9, 2013. Date accessed May 16, 2013. Adamson, Julia. The Drastic Shortage of Teachers in Saskatchewan's History. A small sampling of Teacher wanted ads. Saskatchewan One Room School Project. Saskatchewan Gen Web. September 28, 2012. Date accessed May 16, 2013. Adamson, Julia. Schools Close. Lack of Teachers in Saskatchewan's History. September 29, 2012. Date accessed May 16, 2013. Adamson, Julia. Saskatchewan School Inspection of the One Room Schoolhouse. September 2012. Date accessed May 16, 2013. Alexandra Public School, Moose Jaw Postcard views of early Saskatchewan. University of Saskatchewan Library, Special Collections. Date accessed June 25, 2013. Alexandra School, Moose Jaw Postcard views of early Saskatchewan. University of Saskatchewan Library, Special Collections. Date accessed June 25, 2013. All Generations should appreciated Moose Jaw's History - Editorials - The Moose Jaw Times Herald. July 17, 2012. TC Media. 2008-2013. Date accessed June 5, 2013. Anderson Leaving Teachers' College, Steinson Successor. Saskatoon Star-Phoenix. May 8, 1954. Page 3. Google News Archives. Date accessed June 4, 2013. Angus Graham Leaves College. Former Head Moose Jaw College to Return to Ministry. The Leader-Post. January 8, 1934. Google News Archives. Date accessed June 4, 2013. Appointment to Teachers' College. Saskatoon Star-Phoenix. May 28, 1956. Page 10. Google News Archive. Date accessed June 4, 2013. Archives Canada. CAIN No. 231645 SAIN Saskatchewan Archival Information Network. At Semans Rally. High Praise for Teaching. Saskatoon Star-Phoenix. October 14, 1950. Page 12. Date accessed June 3, 2013. Author Bio. Asseltine, Robert Whiting. 5663: story of Lodge Progress, no. 92, G.R.S., A.F. and A.M., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, April 15th, 1912, April 15, 1933 The . [1933]. Quote"Asseltine, Robert Whiting (1870-1953). Teacher in Ontario; to Saskatchewan, 1911; inspector of schools at Rosetown; on staff of Saskatoon Normal School, 1918-1927; principal of Moose Jaw Normal School, 1929-1930; principal of Saskatoon Normal School, 1930-1934 (Saskatoon Star-Phoenix, March 24, 1953)." unquote 2003-2009. University of Alberta. Date accessed May 17, 2013. Basketball Players are Visitors to City The Leader-Post. March 31, 1931. Page 4. Date accessed June 3, 2013. Basketball Teams are Entertained by Normal School Pupils. The Leader-Post. March 25, 1931. Page 7. Google News Archive. Date accessed June 2, 2013. Big Crowd at College Game. Moose Jaw Normal Defeats Regina Team. The Leader-Post. February 13, 1940. Page 7. Google News Archive. Date accessed June 3, 2013. Big enrollment prospect for teachers' college. Leader-Post. September 6, 1958. Page 2. Google News Archive Date accessed June 4, 2013. Black, Norman Fergus. History of Saskatchewan and the Old North West. Chapter L - The Educational System of Saskatchewan. Electric Canadian.com. URL accessed June 6, 2013. British will win St. George's Day Audience Told. ...At Moose Jaw The Leader=Post, Moose Jaw Bureau . April 24, 1941. Page 6. Google News Archive. Date accessed June 2, 2013. Brown, Brian A. Opening Tomorrow's Doors. 1884-1984-2084. One Hundredth Anniversary Committee of Moose Jaw School District Number One. Saskatchewan Government Printers. Pages 7, 18, 45, 62, 106 and 155. 1984. Barnhart, Gordon. Calder, James Alexander(1868-1956). The Encyclopedia of Saskatchewan. Canadian Plains Research Center, University of Regina. 2006. Date accessed June 5, 2013. Bunyard, Richard Geoffrey (1883-June 6, 1973) (pdf) Moose Jaw Magazine. Date Accessed June 26, 2013 The Case for Moose Jaw. "Saskatchewan College" For Moose Jaw City. Moose Jaw Times, Friday February 16, 1906.; Haultain and the University. Editorial. The Moose Jaw Times. August 11, 1908. Page 4.; The Moose Jaw Times. February 16,906.; Editorial Notes. The Phoenix, Thursday February 22, 1906. Page 6. ; New College. Moose Jaw Signal. The Phoenix. March 21, 1906.; City will Entertain Members of Assembly. Free Site for College. Moose Jaw Times. Friday April 13, 1906. Page 11.; Withdrew College Bill. The West. P. 246 in scrapbook c 1906.; Provincial Righters Forced from the Fighting Line on the University Question -- In J.R. Green's Election Lies Moose Jaw's Only Hope. The Moose Jaw Times. August 11, 1908. Page 1.; SCAA University of Saskatchewan Gallery. Date accessed June 6, 2006. Central, Tech split hoop wins. The Leader-Post. November 24, 1954. Page 23. [Basketball.] Google News Archive. Date accessed June 4, 2013. Classrooms in Lakeview School Made Ready for Normal School. The Leader-Post August 5, 1940. Google News Archives. Page 2. Date accessed June 3, 2013. Classroom practice in country. The Leader-Post. October 19, 1962. Page 14 Google News Archive. Date accessed June 4, 2013. Close victory to Tech Team. The Leader-Post. February 15, 1956. Page 30. Google News Archive. Date accessed June 4, 2013. College exercises planned Thursday. The Leader-Post. June 17, 1953. Page 12. Google News Archive. Date accessed June 4, 2013. College opening. The Leader-Post. September 14, 1954. Page 2. Google News Archive. Date accessed June 4, 2013. College Removal Rumors Discussed. The Leader-Post. November 26, 1957. Page 16. Date accessed June 4, 2013. College to use Normal School? The Leader-Post. October 25, 1944. Page 3. Google News Archive. Date accessed June 3, 2013. Comets click over Cougars. The Leader-Post. February 11, 1956. Page 27. Google News Archive. Date accessed June 4, 2013. Dr. Mort To Address Teachers Convention. The Leader-Post. September 21, 1940. Page 3. Google News Archive. Date accessed June 4, 2013. Early History | City of Moose Jaw. Date accessed June 5, 2013. Editor Klaus Martens. Over Canadian Trails: F. P. Grove in New Letters and Documents. Königshausen & Neumann, 2007. ISBN 3826035968, 9783826035968. Quote Saskatchewan Normal School (Teachers College) taken about 1954 before it became part of the Provincial Technical School Unquote Digitised online by Google Books. Page 126-127. Date accessed June 1, 2013. Education Figure Dies. The Windsor Daily Star. January 12, 1959. Google News Archive. Page 7. Date accessed June 2, 2013. Educational costs demand higher grant. The Leader-Post. September 9, 1948. Page 8. Google News Archive. Date accessed June 2, 2013. Education Week Programs. Saskatoon Star-Phoenix. March 16, 195. Page 22. Google News Archive. Date accessed June 4, 2013. Ex-Saskatchewan Educator Dies. Saskatoon Star-Phoenix. Page 8. Google News Archive. Date accessed June 2, 2013. Fall Sessions Normal School are Announced. Courses open in September for Training First, Second Class Teachers. April 22, 1933. The Leader-Post. Page 3. Google News Archive. Date accessed June 2, 2013. Forest Glen School has Sweet Choristers and wins the Silver Shield. Large attendance at public school trustees' convention which gathers at Moose Jaw. The Morning Leader. February 26, 1920. Page 5. Date accessed June 3, 2013. Former Deputy Minister. The Leader-Post. January 12, 1959. Page 3. [Dr. John Samuel Huff.] Google News Archive. Date accessed June 2, 2013. Knight, Leith. All the Moose -- All the Jaw Moose Jaw 100. Moose Jaw, Sask. 1982. Digitized online by Our Roots Nos Racines. Page 41. Quote " Victoria School... Moose Jaw's schoolhouse was a source of considerable community pride. ...The 50-foot tower rose above all other buildings in town and prompted a resident to say that 'the school has a prominent appearance to see from incoming trains,' and he hoped it would convince passengers that Moose Jaw was one of the leading educational centres of the Northwest Territories." ("Historically Speaking)" Unquote Date accessed June 5, 2013. Moose Jaw taps large and rich farm country. Located on Main railway lines in strategic position. Is Livestock centre. Is found on Agriculture, Milling and Dairying - One Mill has Large Flour Capacity. The Financial Post. December 26, 1929. Google News Archive. Page 3. Date accessed June 2, 2013. Gidny, R.D. and W.P.J. Millar. How Schools Worked: Public Education in English Canada, 1900-1940. Volume 224 of Carleton Library Series, ISSN 0845-9614. Edition illustrated. McGill-Queen's Press - MQUP, 2012. ISBN 0773539530, 9780773539532. Partially digitised by google books. Quote "In 1930, for example, at the Regina and Saskatoon normal schools, 30% of the students were of non-British origin, and at Moose Jaw Normal School in 1929, the figure was 39%. By 1937 the principal of the Saskatoon normal school was reporting that 45% of the students were of non-English origin." Unquote Date accessed June 1, 2013. Hallman, D. Telling Tales in and out of school: Twentieth-century Women Teachers in Saskatchewan. Noonan, Brian W.; Dianne M. Hallman, and Murray Scharf; editors. The History of Education in Saskatchewan: Selected Readings Volume 47 of Canadian plains studies. Contributors Brian W. Noonan, University of Regina. Canadian Plains Research Center. Edition illustrated. Publisher University of Regina Press, 2006. ISBN 0889771901, 9780889771901. Digitized online by Google Books. Quote "Rudimentary teacher training was first conducted in union schools and gradually became formalized in normal schools in Saskatoon, Regina, and Moose Jaw... An increasing demand for secondary school education facilitated the eventual establishment of the College of Education at the provincial university in 1928. The mandate of the college was to prepare its students for teaching in the high schools and collegiates, and to conduct research in education. The program of the college was open only to students who had undergraduate degrees. In 1946-47, the College of Education developed a four-year undergraduate program. However...the government insisted that intending elementary teachers take their first year of training at a normal school. ...The names of the two remaining normal schools were changed in 1953 to teacher's colleges, and "teacher training" became "teacher education." Eleven years later both teacher's colleges closed, and all teacher education moved to the University of Saskatchewan....Ina Jones Jorstad remembered her preparation at the normal school in Moose Jaw in 1930, as consisting of classes in "reading writing, literature, math, geography, health, home economics, physical education, psychology, drama the arts and...The Regina Normal School closed after World War II. It re-opened as Regina Teacher's College in 1957, the same year the Moose Jaw Teacher's College closed (from Campbell, Reflections of Light, 107-109; 151-2."unquote Page 150, 156 and 160. Date accessed May 16, 2013. Hallman, D. Chapter 10. Telling Tales in and out of School: Twentieth-Century Women Teachers in Saskatchewan. Overview of Teacher Education. Noonan, Brian W.; Dianne M. Hallman, and Murray Scharf; editors. The History of Education in Saskatchewan: Selected Readings Volume 47 of Canadian plains studies. Contributors Brian W. Noonan, University of Regina. Canadian Plains Research Center. Edition illustrated. Publisher University of Regina Press, 2006. ISBN 0889771901, 9780889771901. Digitized online by Google Books. Quote "Rudimentary teacher training was first conducted in union schools and gradually became formalized in normal schools in Saskatoon, Regina, and Moose Jaw. These schools were under the jurisdiction of the state Department of Education. As well, until 1926, in an attempt to fill the pressing need for teachers during Saskatchewan's major population boom, short-term sessions providing third class certificates were held in the larger communities or towns...."unquote Page 150. Date accessed June 1, 2013. Hawkes, John. (October 25, 1863 - July 17, 1940) Saskatchewan Gen Web Project. Saskatchewan and its People by John Hawkes Vol III 1924. The S.J. Clarke Publishing Company. Chicago - Regina. Digitised online Julia Adamson Saskatchewan One Room Schoolhouse Project. 06-Jan-2003. Date accessed June 5, 2013 Herriot, A.A. School Inspectors of the Early Days in Manitoba. Series 3, 1947-48 Season. M.H.S. Transactions: School Inspection of the Early Days in Manitoba. Manitoba Historical Society. 1998-2013. URL accessed June 5, 2013. Honors Divided in Normal Debate. Science Better Aid to Education Than Literature, Debaters Decide. The Morning Leader. March 31, 1928. Page 9. Google News archives. Date accessed June 3, 2013. Horsman, Ken. Education The Encyclopedia of Saskatchewan. Canadian Plains Research Center. University of Regina. 2006. Quote The Moose Jaw Normal School opened in 1927. "unquote Date accessed May 16, 2013. Howe, The Right Honorable C.D. (Minister of Trade and Commerce. The Canada Year Book 1951. The Official Statistical Annual of the Resources, History, Institutions and Social and Economic Conditions of Canada. Dominion Bureau of Statistics. Department of Trade and Commerce Canada. Edmond Cloutier, C.M.G. , D.A., D.S.P. King's Printer and Controller of Stationery. Ottawa. Page 118. 1951. Ideal School Achieved by Inspired Teachers. Saskatoon Star-Phoenix. March 19, 1952. Page 2. Google News Archive. Date accessed June 3, 2013. Ingles, Ernest Boyce. Bibliography of the Canadian Prairies to 1953. G - Reference, Information and Interdisciplinary Subjects Series. Editors Ernest Boyce Ingles, Bruce Peel, Norman Merrill Distad. Contributors Ernest Boyce Ingles, Bruce Peel, Norman Merrill Distad. Edition 3, illustrated, revised. Publisher University of Toronto Press, 2003. ISBN 0802048250, 9780802048257. Quote"Biography of Bruce Peel. Peel spent a year in 1936-1937 earning a teacher's credential at the Normal School in Moose Jaw. This was a reliable choice to guarantee a career, or at least a job to fall back on in those hard times....Author index Asseltine, Robert Whiting 1870-1953 Teacher in Ontario; to Saskatchewan, 1911; inspector of schools at Rosetown; on staff of Saskatoon Normal School, 1918-1927; principal of Moose Jaw Normal School 1929-1930; principal of Saskatoon Normal School, 1930-1934. Saskatoon Star Phoenix March 24, 1953. The Story of Lodge Progress No. 92 5663. " unquote page xxv. Digitized online by Google Books 2012. Date accessed May 15, 2013. Larsen, John; Libby and Maurice Richard. Moose Jaw : People, Places, History. Edition illustrated. Coteau Books, 2001. ISBN 1550501631, 9781550501636. Digitised online by Google Books. Page 62. Date accessed June 1, 2013. Last course for teachers. Normal School in Regina to close. The Leader-Post. September 1, 1944. Date accessed June 2, 2013. Legislators to Attend Normal School Opening. The Morning Leader. February 19, 1930. Page 7. Date accessed June 3, 2013. Lloyd speaks to teachers. The Leader-Post. June 20, 1946. Google News Archives. Page 2. Date accessed June 3, 2013. Lyons, J. Chapter 4. The Saskatchewan Way: Henry Janzen and Curriculum Reform in Saskatchewan. Noonan, Brian W.; Dianne M. Hallman, and Murray Scharf; editors. The History of Education in Saskatchewan: Selected Readings Volume 47 of Canadian plains studies. Contributors Brian W. Noonan, University of Regina. Canadian Plains Research Center. Edition illustrated. Publisher University of Regina Press, 2006. ISBN 0889771901, 9780889771901. Digitized online by Google Books. Quote "Although the province's Normal Schools in Regina, Saskatoon and Moose Jaw had been renamed Teachers' Colleges, they had remained under the Department of Education jurisdiction. In 1964, all teacher education was consolidated at the University of Saskatchewan campuses in Regina and Saskatoon...."unquote Page 60. Date accessed June 1, 2013. Manzer, Ronald A. Educational regimes and Anglo-American democracy. Volume 18 of G - Reference, Information and Interdisciplinary Subjects Series. Volume 18 of Studies in comparative political economy and public policy, ISSN 1714-9339. Edition 2, illustrated. Publisher University of Toronto Press, 2003. ISBN 0802087809, 9780802087805. Page 93. Digitised online by Google Books. Date accessed June 1. 2013. McCarthy alarmed over teacher shortage. Regina School should be used. The Leader Post. February 14, 1951. Google News Archive. Date accessed May 20, 2013. McNinch, James and Mark Vajcner. Normal School. Encyclopedia of Saskatchewan. Canadian Plains Research Center, University of Regina. 2006. Date accessed June 1, 2013. Members Gather at School Opening. Minister of Public Works Officiates at Ceremony in Moose Jaw. Saskatoon Star-Phoenix. February 27, 1930. Page 7. Google News Archive. Date accessed June 2, 2013. M.L.A.'s discuss teacher problem. Normal School Discussed Again. The Leader-Post February 22, 1951. Google News Archive. Date accessed May 16, 2013. Moose Jaw Basketball. The Leader-Post. April 11, 1956. Page 28. Google News Archive. Date accessed June 4, 2013. Moose Jaw cagers win. The Leader-post. February 6,1958. Page 15. Google News Archive. Date accessed June 6, 2013. Moose Jaw Central Collegiate 100th Anniversary. Quote Saskatchewan Normal School (Teachers College) taken about 1954 before it became part of the Provincial Technical School Unquote Date accessed June 1, 2013. Moose Jaw Celebrates Victory Loan Day on Sunday. The Leader-Post. June 7, 1941. Google News Archives. Date accessed June 2, 2013. Moose Jaw Chosen. Saskatoon Star-Phoenix. March 14, 195. Page 18. Google News Archives. Date accessed June 4, 2013. Moose College. The Morning Leader. December 18, 1915. Page 14. Google News Archives. Date accessed June 4, 2013. Moose Jaw College Notes. The Morning Leader. September 7, 1928. Page 21. [Graduates from Moose Jaw college class of 1914, 1916-1917, 1918-1919, ] Google News Archives. Date accessed June 3, 2013. Moose Jaw College Notes The Morning Leader. February 18, 1922. Google News Archives. Page 19. Date accessed June 3, 2013. Moose Jaw College Notes The Morning Leader. September 7, 1928. Google News Archives. Page 19. Date accessed June 4, 2013. Moose Jaw College Notes The Morning Leader. September 19, 1925. Google News Archives. Page 19. Date accessed June 4, 2013. Moose Jaw College Students Successful in Examinations. The Morning Leader. August 20, 1927. Page 23. Date accessed June 4, 2013. Moose Jaw Function. The Leader-Post. February 8, 1937. Quote "First social function of the new year of the Moose Jaw Normal School was a dance held Friday night in the school auditorium.Unquote Google News Archive. Date accessed June 1, 2013. Moose Jaw Gets Provincial Tech, Lloyd Announces. Saskatoon Star-Phoenix. March 12, 1958. Google News Archive. Date Accessed June 2, 2013. Moose Jaw History. In Moose Jaw. Moose Jaw. Online. Date Accessed June 6, 2013. Moose Jaw Institute to Enroll 1, 500. Saskatoon Star.-Phoenix. December 19, 1960. Page 3. Google News Archive. Date Accessed June 4, 2013. Moose Jaw is Ready to Welcome King and Queen. All arrangements for accommodation of visitors made - details announced at meeting of committee Friday evening. The Leader-Post. May 20, 1939. Google News Archive. Date accessed June 3, 2013. Moose Jaw Normal School. SAIN Collections. Quote"Dates of existence 1927-1959. ...In 1953, the Moose Jaw school was renamed the Saskatchewan Teachers College, Moose Jaw... From 1930 to 1959 the Moose Jaw Normal School was located in what is now the SIAST Palliser Campus in Moose Jaw." unquote Saskatchewan Archival Information Network. Moose Jaw news in brief. The Leader-Post. October 3, 1955 Page 2. Google News Archive. Date accessed June 4, 2013. Moose Jaw news in brief. The Leader-Post. May 3, 1957. Page 2. Google News Archive. Date accessed June 4, 2013. Moose Jaw news in brief. The Leader-Post. October 29, 1958 Page 65. Google News Archive. Date accessed June 4, 2013. Moose Jaw news in brief. The Leader-Post. April 16, 1955. Page 10. Google News Archive. Date accessed June 4, 2013. Moose Jaw news in brief. The Leader-Post. January 17, 959. Page 2. Google News Archive. Date accessed June 4, 2013. Moose Jaw Normal School Notes. The Morning Leader. November 23, 1923. Google News Archive. Page 12. Date accessed June 3, 2013. Findlay, Thelma. Moose Jaw Normal School ~ Saskatchewan Gen Web ~ One Room Schoolhouse Project. [Historical class images] Digitised online by Julia Adamson. September 8, 2012. Date accessed June 1, 2013. Moose Jaw SaskBiz. Community Profiles. Government of Saskatchewan. Date accessed June 6, 2013. Moose Jaw School Job to Regina Firm. Saskatoon Star-Phoenix. April 6, 1962. Page 15. Date accessed June 4, 2013. Moose Jaw School Pupils Pay Tribute to Lord Tweedsmuir. The Leader-Post. February 15, 1940. Google News Archives. Date accessed June 6, 2013. Moose Jaw Social The Leader-Post. February 25,1938. Page 4. Google News Archives. Date accessed June 2, 2013. More Careful Selection of Students to Mark Normal School Year. Saskatoon Star-Phoenix. August 29, 1945. Google News Archives. Date accessed June 2, 2013. Normalites are Strong. Will Meet D.B.C.'s in Cup Final in Moose Jaw; Have Good Team. Saskatoon Star-Phoenix. March 19, 1930. Page 11. Date accessed June 3, 2013. The New Normal School at Moose Jaw. The Morning Leader. October 4, 1928. Page 3. Google News Archive. Date accessed June 2, 2013. New Normal School Staffs Are Announced. Many Changes in Personnel Necessitated by Establishment of School at Moose Jaw. The Morning Leader September 24, 1927. Page 17. Date accessed May 16, 2013. New Teachers Prepare for Graduation. Moose Jaw produces 136 Teachers despite Hard Times. The Leader-Post. May 12, 1938. Page 6. Google News Archive. Quote "Teachers at present employed may threaten strikes, may point to the thousands of dollars back salary owing rural teachers and the all time low level of remuneration in the profession, but something remains attractive about being a teacher."unquote Date accessed June 2, 2013. Normal Schools add New Courses. The Leader-Post. August 30, 1945. Page 8. Google News Archive. Date accessed June 2, 2013. Normal School Appointments are Announced. Principal at Saskatoon Will Be Replaced by Public Schools Superintendent. The Morning Leader. September 12, 1927. Page 10. Google News Archive Search. Quote Dr. J.S. Huff, principal of Saskatoon Normal School, has been appointed principal of the new Normal School at Moose Jaw....Dr. J.A. Snell, superintendent of public schools at Saskatoon, has been appointed to succeed Dr. Huff as principal of the Saskatoon Normal School...Dr. J. S. Huff, Saskatoon, who has been appointed principal of the new Normal School which is to be opened in Moose Jaw, September 28."unquote Date accessed May 16, 2013. Normal School Date Extended. Premier Announces Applications Will Be Received Up to September 1. The Leader-Post. August 18, 1933. Page 3. Date accessed June 3, 2013. Normal School Dates for Next Term Are Set. The Leader-Post. March 3, 1931. Page 2. Google News Archive. Date accessed June 3, 2013. Normal School Holiday Term At Moose Jaw The Leader-Post. June 28, 1933. Page 8. Google News Archive. Date accessed June 2, 2013. Normal School Planning Another Short Session. Saskatoon Star-Phoenix. December 18, 1929. Page 3. Google News Archive. Date accessed June 2, 2013. Normal School Short Sessions for Teachers. Terms will be held at Regina, Saskatoon, and Moose Jaw, Department Announces. The Morning Leader. October 29, 1928. Google News Archive. Date accessed May 16, 2013. Normal School Students Complete Physical Exams. Many Candidates at Yorkton, Moose Jaw and Swift Current on the list of successful ones. The Saskatoon Phoenix. March 30, 1914. Page 3. Google News Archive. Quote "Certificates have been issued to the following persons who have completed the course in physical training in connection with the third class session of the Normal school held during the months of January and February...(28 teachers listed for Moose Jaw.).."unQuote Date accessed June 2, 2013. Normal Schools Will Stay Open. Report That Moose Jaw Institution to be Closed Denied by Premier. Saskatoon Star-Phoenix. August 20, 1931. Page 3. Google News Archives. Date Accessed June 3, 2013. Opening of Normal School Suggested. Saskatoon Star-Phoenix. February 24, 1951. Page 7. Google News Archive. Date accessed June 2, 2013. Painting Purchased. Saskatoon Star-Phoenix. June 12, 1953. Page 4. Google News archive. Quote"The outgoing students of the Saskatchewan Teachers' College at Moose Jaw have purchased a Saskatchewan work of art...the 1952-53 class has made this purchase as a memorial gift to the college..."unquote Date accessed June 4, 2013. Peel 5798: Moose Jaw School Board, Moose Jaw School District No.1 semi-centennial, 1884-1934, Wednesday, Dec. 5th, 1934 (1934]) University of Alberta. © 2003-2009 Date accessed June 26, 2013. Postcard 2481: Warwick Bro's & Rutter, Alexandra School Moose Jaw, Sask. [190-] PC002481: "Alexandra School Moose Jaw, Sask." is licensed by University of Alberta Libraries under the Attribution - Non-Commercial - Creative Commons license. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://peel.library.ualberta.ca/permissions/postcards.html. Date accessed June 25, 2013. Postcard 12856 Lovell & Co. New Normal School Regina (cca. 1911) PC012856: "New Normal School Regina" is licensed by University of Alberta Libraries under the Attribution - Non-Commercial - Creative Commons license. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://peel.library.ualberta.ca/permissions/postcards.html. URL accessed March 8, 2013. Postcard 2531: Lewis Rice, Illustrator and Publisher, Alexandra School, Moose Jaw, Canada [19-] PC002531: "Alexandra School, Moose Jaw, Canada" is licensed by University of Alberta Libraries under the Attribution - Non-Commercial - Creative Commons license. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://peel.library.ualberta.ca/permissions/postcards.html. Date accessed June 25, 2013. Postcard 11211: Rice Lewis, Alexandra School, Moose Jaw, Canada (cca 1910) PC011211: "Alexandra School, Moose Jaw, Canada" is licensed by University of Alberta Libraries under the Attribution - Non-Commercial - Creative Commons license. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://peel.library.ualberta.ca/permissions/postcards.html. Date accessed June 25, 2013. Postcard 2494: Valentine & Sons Publishing Co. Ltd. Moose Jaw, Sask (c1913) PC002494: "Alexandra School, Moose Jaw, Sask." is licensed by University of Alberta Libraries under the Attribution - Non-Commercial - Creative Commons license. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://peel.library.ualberta.ca/permissions/postcards.html. Date accessed June 25, 2013. Postcard 2590: Camera Products Co, The Normal School, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan ([ca. 1930]) PC002590: "The Normal School, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan" is licensed by University of Alberta Libraries under the Attribution - Non-Commercial - Creative Commons license. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://peel.library.ualberta.ca/permissions/postcards.html. Date accessed June 1, 2013. Premier Backs Normal School for Moose Jaw. Gardiner States Government will ask Estimate for Third Such Institution. The Morning Leader. August 19, 1927. Google News Archive. QuoteIn reference to the selection of Moose Jaw for the location of the third normal school, Mr. Gardiner stated that a large majority of the students who presented themselves for normal school training lived in the more settled parts of the southern part of the province... Third Class sessions held at six local centres which took care of a large number of students... have been abandoned and the normal term extended to one year..."unQuote Date Accessed May 16, 2013. Provincial Normal School Examination Results Announced. Regina, Saskatoon and Moose Jaw Students to Get Interim Certificates. The Leader-Post. July 13, 1934. Page 7. Google News Archive. Date Accessed June 2, 2013. Regina Normal School Will Be Closed Soon. September 1, 1944. Page 3. Google News Archive. Date accessed June 3, 2013. Retired Teacher Dies at Coast. [Dr. Steinn W. Steinson] The Leader-Post. September 26, 197. Page 3. Google News Archive. Date accessed June 4, 2013. Room E Wins Music Award, The Leader-Post Moose Jaw Bureau. May 25, 1937. Page 6. Google News Archive. Date Accessed June 2, 2013. Ross Public School, Moose Jaw Postcard views of early Saskatchewan. University of Saskatchewan Library, Special Collections. Date accessed June 25, 2013. Rusnell, Chuck. Balfour retirement proves misleading at best. The Phoenix. September 22, 1984. Page 104. Google News Archive. Date Accessed June 4, 2013. Salmers, Gregory. Soo Line Railway. The Encyclopedia of Saskatchewan. 2006. Canadian Plains Research Center, University of Regina. Date accessed June 5, 2013. Saskatchewan Entries Win Easily in Sheep, Lamb Exhibits at Show. In classes mentioned exhibitors at feeder show from this province win ten prizes - success marks opening day. The Morning Leader. October 13, 1927. Page 18. Google News Archive. Quote "Some 300 students of the Moose Jaw Normal School will witness a demonstration of cattle in the sale ring at the feeder show tomorrow. They are to be taken to the stockyards in automobiles supplied by the Moose Jaw Board of Trade. George Murray, professor of agriculture at the Normal School, will be in charge of the group....."unquote Date accessed June 3, 2013. Saskatchewan Farmers may drift into Peasant Class States Speaker. Mrs. Ethel B. Summers addresses twelfth annual convention of provincial council of women at Moose Jaw Normal School. Saskatoon Star-Phoenix. May 2, 1930. Page 7. Google News Archive. Date accessed June 3, 2013. Saskatchewan Settlement Experience. Saskatchewan Archives Board 2005. Quote "The Yorkton and Regina Normal Schools were the precursors to the Colleges of Education that were eventually established at the Universities. With such a high demand for teachers, the Normal Schools were used to give a basic amount of training in the shortest time possible before the teachers were dispersed to the many rural areas of the province....."unquote Date accessed May 16, 2013. Saskatoon dominates. The Leader-Post. February 25, 1957. Page 17. Google News Archive. Date accessed June 4, 2013. Saskatoon man named to head association. The Leader-Post. December 13, 1948. Google News Archive. QuoteDr. F. Mahood also of Moose Jaw normal school stated "the teacher can do something worth while only when she has caught up the spirit running through the curriculum, and clearly understands what thee course is attempting to accomplish....Teacher's institutes he termed "one of the most valuable ideas that has ever been brought forward in the history of education in Saskatchewan. It is a means of bringing about unprecedented growth and development of teachers in service."..."unquote Date Accessed May 16, 2013. Savage Frederick Quote"He attended the Moose Jaw Normal School, where, according to Principal G.A. Brown, he was one of the school's "outstanding students..."unQuote Date accessed June 1. 2013. School is in for 400 prospective teachers. The Leader-Post. September 8, 1959. Page 3. Date accessed June 4, 2013. Schreiner, Jack. Exciting Year in Sask. Politics. Teachers College. The Leader-Post. January 2, 1960. Page 3. Google News Archive. Date accessed June 4, 2013. Schools 1910-1991 South Central Saskatchewan. Assiniboia and District Historical Museum. Virtual Museum.ca . Community Memories. 2013. Date accessed June 1. 2013. So they say. Editorial Page. The Leader-Post. April 13, 1935. Page 14. Google News Archive. Quote "The Glee club of the Moose Jaw Normal School presented an operetta recently" Date accessed June 3, 2013. Standards Higher. The Leader Post. December 10, 1948. Page 6. Google News Archive. Date accessed June 3, 2013. Statistics Canada. Census of Prairie Provinces Population and Agriculture Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta. Ottawa. J. de Labroquerie Taché. Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty. 1918 . Digitised online by J. Adamson Saskatchewan Gen Web. Date accessed June 5, 2013. Student Assembly Elects Officers. The Leader-Post. February 6, 1959. Page 2. Google News Archive. Date accessed June 4, 2013. Summer Students Sponsor Reunion. [Partial listing of 1939-1940 Moose Jaw Normal School Class.] Saskatoon Star-Phoenix. July 22, 1942. Page 8. Google News Archives. Date accessed June 2, 2013. Teacher Quality, Quantity Said Great Problem for Sask. Saskatoon Star-Phoenix. April 9, 198. Page 12. Google News Archive. Date accessed June 4, 2013. Teachers Convene. The Leader-Post. September 15, 1956. Google News Archive. Date accessed June 4, 2013. Teachers' college awards. The Leader-Post. June 12, 1959. Page 2. Google News Archive. Date accessed June 4, 2013. Teachers college ceremony Monday. The Leader-Post. January 27, 1960. Page 12. Google News Archives. Date accessed June 3, 2013. Teachers college starts - with 450 students. The Leader-Post. September 12, 1960. Page 3. Google News Archives. Date accessed June 4, 2013. Teachers set normal-time Salary Rate. Only hope seen in guarantee by provincial govt. The Leader-Post, Moose Jaw Bureau. December 30, 1937. Page 3. Google News Archive. Date accessed June 3, 2013. Thirteen entries in cage tourney. First-round games today. The Leader-Post. February 27, 1959. Google News Archive. Page 34. Quote "Moose Jaw Teachers College Comettes [Basketball Team]" Unquote Date accessed June 4, 2013. Three-Year Teachers College Course Recommended Here. May Soon Have Two-Year Teacher Training in Sask. Saskatoon Star-Phoenix. April 1, 1959. Page 19. Google News Archive. Date accessed June 4, 2013. To Moose Jaw. J.H. Baker. Saskatoon Star-Phoenix. May 30, 1956. Page 34. Google News Archives. Date accessed June 3, 2013. Toilers Nip Celtics 38-30. Saskatoon Star-Phoenix. January 24, 1957. Page 15. [Basketball.] Google News Archives. Date accessed June 4, 2013. Too much "talk" too little "do" in democracy, speaker claims. The Leader-Post. June 5, 1950. Page 2. Google News Archive. Date accessed June 3, 2013. Two Saskatoon Normal School Teachers are Transferred to South. Dr. J.W. Hedley and R.W. Asselstine going to Regina and Moose Jaw Respectively; Lewis is Appointed here. The Saskatoon Phoenix. September 24, 1927. Page 3. Google News Archive. Date accessed May 16, 2013. Two wins to Luther. The Leader-Post. March 3, 1965. Page 22. [basketball] Google News Archive. Date accessed June 4, 2013. Walter Murray: The Lengthened Shadow. General Correspondence - Asselstine, R.W. 1-31 February 1930. Letters from R.W. Asselstine, Principal, Normal School, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, extending an invitation to Dr. Murray to speak at the formal opening of the Normal School. George Ling, Dean, Faculty of Arts and Science, attended the opening. University of Saskatchewan. 2011. Date Accessed May 17, 2013. Will ask for normal school at Moose Jaw. Trades and Labor Council Will Bring Matter to Attention of Government. The Morning Leader. August 7, 1924. Page 3. Quote "Provision of a second-class Normal School for Moose Jaw to give boys and girls of the city and district economical training, will be the subject of representations by the Trades and Labor Council to the provincial department of education." Unquote Google News Archives. Date accessed June 2, 2013. Whopping hoops tally The Leader-Post. December 10, 1955. page 21. Google News Archive. Quote "Teachers College Comets [Teachers College cricket team]" Unquote Date accessed June 4, 2013. Winter Course to Supplement Normal School. Training Facilities for Third Class Teachers at Local Centers Proposed. The Morning Leader. August 20, 1923. Page 7. Google News Archives. June 3, 2013. ________________________________________________________________________________________ Follow me on Word Press, Blogger, Facebook, Flickr, Twitter, Tumblr, Live Journal, Sask Gen Web Ancestry.com and Flickriver ________________________________________________________________________________________ ![]() ________________________________________________________________________________ ![]()
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