Saskatchewan's birthday celebration arrives on September 1. On September 1, 1905, Saskatchewan became a province, with inaugural celebrations held September 4. September 1, 2005 was the 100th anniversary of our province, and in 2012 we carry on the tradition with the 107th anniversary celebration!
Who were some of the people within the Saskatchewan communities? What were some of the local histories and events? The provincial motto Multis e gentibus vires is Latin meaning "From Many Peoples Strength." If you were to delve into the history of the province of Saskatchewan what questions would you ask? What questions would you form about the people and its residents?
Here is a short quiz centering upon the province of Saskatchewan, its people culture and formation.
1. Amongst its various nicknames, The City of Bridges, The Hub City, POW City, and Paris of the Prairies, which city is referred to?
2. Regina is the provincial capital city, what was its earlier nick name?
3. What is the name of the Crown corporation formed in the year, 2000?
4. Name one of the very first naval engagements which involved the Canadian forces.
5. Where was the first "University of Saskatchewan" incorporated by an Act of Parliament in 1883?
6. Who was Canada's first commercially licensed aviation pilot?
7. Would prairie fires, sickness, neighbourhood rivalry be included as a part of the Saskatchewan Homestead Record files? True or False.
8. Following the First World War (1914-1918), returning soldiers had to be re-settled in Canada what program was put into effect?
9. On March 27, 1883 Regina became the capital of the North-West Territories. Before this which two placenames had been the territorial capital (both within the area now known as Saskatchewan)?
10. When did schooling change from Hudson Bay Company sponsored missionaries established by the Roman Catholic, Anglican, Methodist and Presbyterian Churches to each provincial and territorial government?
11. Who was Saskatchewan's first woman Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) who successfully achieved the demarcation of historical sites throughout the province?
12. In 1873 the "Cypress Hills Massacre" instigated a group of men to gather for "The Great March" acting on the motto "Maintiens Le Droit" (Uphold the Right) What was the name of this column of men on horseback?
Related links:
Saskatchewan Quiz
Saskatchewan quiz - Canada.com
Saskatoon 100 Quiz CBC Saskatchewan
Celebrating Saskatchewan's Heritage Artifact Quiz ~Saskatoon Public Schools
Sask Gen Web for Kids of all ages ~! Genealogy puzzlers and History Games
Land Claims in Saskatchewan Quiz ~ Saskatchewan Schools
Saskatchewan Trivia ~ Government of Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan Roughriders 100 years Quiz 2 Regina Leader Post
Saskatchewan Roughriders 100 years Quiz 1 Regina Leader Post
CBC Saskatchewan "Tales from the Tornado 1912-2012" Tornado Quiz
Fransaskois Quiz ~ Canada's Offical Languages Newsletter
Oline Heritage Quiz ~ For Teachers and Students - Tourism, Parks, Culture and Sport - Government of Saskatchewan
Virtual Museums of Canada Quiz in Prairie Museums
Related Posts:
Homestead Locations Township and Range Quizzes
Test Your Knowledge of Saskatchewan's Placenames. Quiz One.
The Value of Standardizing Placenames for Genealogists. Quiz One. Answers.
Landmarks and Geophysical Saskatchewan Placenames. Quiz Two.
Uncovering Historical Census and Cemetery Records ~ Answers to Quiz 2

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- Landmarks and Geophysical Saskatchewan Placenames. Quiz Two. (aumkleem.wordpress.com)
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- Test Your Knowledge of Saskatchewan Placenames (aumkleem.wordpress.com)
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