Saskatchewan ~ From Many People’s Strength ~ Answers to Quiz
The birth of a province is remarkable. Stories, events and people shape and mold the history. This quiz focused on just a very few of the pioneers, both men and women who shaped the province. The times almost passed from memory are remembered within the pages of history. When the vast North West Territories divided and the inaugural inception of the province of Saskatchewan in the Dominion of Canada started its evolution. Recalled here are just a very few of the profound and powerful events and people that helped to shape the transformation of the province since its birth on September 1, 2005; 107 years ago.
Test your knowledge at the Quiz only page first, before peeking at the answers below! :-)
1. Amongst its various nicknames, The City of Bridges, The Hub City, POW City, and Paris of the Prairies, which city is referred to?
Saskatoon, the province's largest city also has the nicknames of Toontown and S'toon.
2. Regina is the provincial capital city, what was its earlier nick name?
Along Wascana Creek shorelines were large piles of Buffalo Bones giving rise to the moniker "Pile of Bones" the first name of the settlement later called Regina.
3. What is the name of the Crown corporation formed in the year, 2000?
Information Services Corporation (ISC) is a provincial Crown corporation responsible for Saskatchewan registries such as the administration of land titles, vital statistics, surveys, personal property and corporate registries, and related geographic information.
4. Name one of the very first naval engagements which involved the Canadian forces.
The North-West Rebellion (or the North-West Resistance, Saskatchewan Rebellion, Northwest Uprising, or Second Riel Rebellion) occurred in Saskatchewan. The Battle of Batoche saw the advance of the the North-West Mounted Police riflemen aboard the riverboat Northcote on May 9, 1885. Métis under Gabriel Dumont and Louis Riel lowered Batoche's ferry cable which clipped off the steamer's smokestacks and masts.
5. Where was the first "University of Saskatchewan" incorporated by an Act of Parliament in 1883?
Emmanuel Colldge or Rugby Chapel was founded by Right Reverend John McLean as a "training College for Native Helpers" in Prince Albert. Incorporated in 1883 as the "University of Saskatchewan". McLean passed away in 1886, and the college reverted to an Indian school under Tr. Rev. W.C. Pinkham and the next successor, Rt. Rev. J.A. Newnham sought to revive the University charter in 1906, however the Hon. Walter Scott, a Liberal party leader sought to establish a University as part of his 1905 election campaign. President Walter Murray of Dalhousie University, Halifzs and a Board of Governors chose the site from applications from Battleford, Moose Jaw, Prince Albert,Regina, and Saskatoon. Saskatoon became the University City of the Province by vote on April 7, 1909. Murray, Jean E. The Contest for the University of Saskatchewan"Saskatchewan History. Vol XII, NO. 1. Winter, 1959. Saskatchewan Archives Board. University of Saskatchewan. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. pp 1-22.
Murray, Jean .E. Early HIstory of Emmanuel College.. Saskatchewan History. Vol. IX NO. 3 Autumn 1956. Saskatchewan Archives Board. University of Saskatchewan. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. pp 1-101.
6. Who was Canada's first commercially licensed aviation pilot?
Lieutenant Roland J. Groome received his commercial pilot licence on July 31, 1920 allowing him to fly Curtiss airplanes under Canada's first registration numbers; G-CAAAA. McCaig J.W., Chairman. Roland J. Groome. the Saskatchewanians. Saskatchewan Diamond Jubilee and Canada Centennial Corporation. 14967. p.52
7. Would prairie fires, sickness, neighbourhood rivalry be included as a part of the Saskatchewan Homestead Record files? True or False.
True. A homesteader who applied for a quarter section of land needed to perform homesteader "duties"; six month's residence in three consecutive years, and cultivate a minimum of thirty acres of land during this time along with erecting a house. The basic documents show not only the application for homestead entry, but also the correspondence written between the settler and the Department of Interior relating to the homestead regulations including drought, illness, death in the family, prairie fires, crop failures and any other problems which may have arisen. Rodwell, Lloyd. Saskatchewan HOmestead Records. Saskatchewan History. Vol. XVIII Winter 1965. Number 1. Saskatchewan Archives Board. University of Saskatchewan. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. pp 10-29.
8. Following the First World War (1914-1918), returning soldiers had to be re-settled in Canada what program was put into effect?
The Soldier's Settlement Act of 1917 was passed offering veterans loans of $2,500 to acquire livestock and farming equipment or to assist in paying off existing farm loans. The revision passed in 1919 allowed those of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, allied forces Canadian residents to apply for assistance to purchase soldier settlement lands, buildings, stock and / or equipment. In Saskatchewan over 5,000 soldier settlers had taken part in the programme by 1920. Morgan, E.C. Soldier Settlement in the Prairie Provinces. Saskatchewan History. Vol. XXI Spring 1968. Number 2. Saskatchewan Archives Board. University of Saskatchewan. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. pp 415-5.
9. On March 27, 1883 Regina became the capital of the North-West Territories. Before this which two placenames had been the territorial capital (both within the area now known as Saskatchewan)?
Battleford was chosen as the North-West territories capital in 1876, though the first session of government council was held in the Swan River Police Barracks at Livingstone near Fort Pelly. Archer, John, H. "The Testing Time". Saskatchewan A History. 1981. Western Producer Prairie Books. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. ISBN 0-88833-2 pa. 0-8833-6 bd. 9964. pp.64 66.
10. When did schooling change from Hudson Bay Company sponsored missionaries established by the Roman Catholic, Anglican, Methodist and Presbyterian Churches to each provincial and territorial government?
The North-West Territories Act of 1875 allowed for the establishment of a public school if the majority of taxpayers desired one, and further, a separate school could be erected, either Protestant or Roman Catholic, may then subsequently erected if desired by a minority of ratepayers. Archer, John, H. "Blueporints of the Morrow". Saskatchewan A History. 1981. Western Producer Prairie Books. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. ISBN 0-88833-2 pa. 0-8833-6 bd. p.65.
Scharf, M.P. Historical Overview of the Organization of Education in Saskatchewan Ed. Noonan, Brian, Hallman, Dianne, Scharf, Murray. A history of Education in SAskatchewan: Selected Readings. 2006. University of Regina. Canadian Plains Research Centre.
11. Who was Saskatchewan's first woman Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) who successfully achieved the demarcation of historical sites throughout the province?
Mrs. Magnus O. Ramsland ran in the Pelly, Saskatchewan consituency 1919-1925. She thoroughly upheld that a "nation without a history is like a man without a memory" and was instrumental in getting historic sites across the province remembered. McCaig J.W., Chairman. RMrs. Magnus O. Ramsland the Saskatchewanians. Saskatchewan Diamond Jubilee and Canada Centennial Corporation. 14967. p.52
12. In 1873 the "Cypress Hills Massacre" instigated a group of men to gather for "The Great March" acting on the motto "Maintiens Le Droit" (Uphold the Right) What was the name of this column of men on horseback?
The North West Mounted Police post at Fort Walsh was constructed in 1875 following The March West. Prime Minister Sir John A. Macdonald's recommendation of a North-West Mounted Police force was established upholding Canadian law and order and quelling "American lawlessness" in the North West Territories. Knight, Lowry R. Barnett, Don C. The North West Mounted Police. Saskatchewan A People and A Province. University of Saskatchewan. Saskatoon. Fitzhenry and Whiteside Limited. P. 46-47
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Saskatchewan quiz - Canada.com
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line Heritage Quiz ~ For Teachers and Students - Tourism, Parks, Culture and Sport - Government of Saskatchewan
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